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Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada
Mother Mugs was established May 2008 Author : Over whelmed by God's Grace Uncovering the Truth about Adoption


I hope that my poetry and writing will encourage you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Romans 1

A challenge went out to Facebook areaders from Gwen Smith from Girlfriends in God to read thru the book of Romans and let God speak to us

Romans 1:25. .

The verse that stuck out to me was

vs 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie. and worshiped served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised Amen.

 I had to ask myself this question. How often do I seek for the wisdom of man rather than God.

How often I get impatient and want an immediate answer from people rather than  God's wisdom.

Another thought came to mind? Do I seek the media for truth instead of God's word?

Are my attitudes lining up with the word of God?

Am I making decisions based on God's word or is it by my feelings.

At the moment I am seeking God for the  right moment to speak with  someone. I have asked God several times and there doesn't seem to be a clear answer when the right moment is. I haven't had peace about when to do this.  I get impatient and want see this  situation be resolved . God hasn't shown me when. I admit I have been impatient and want an answer.

I have to be patient and put this in the hands of God.  

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