About Me

My photo
Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada
Mother Mugs was established May 2008 Author : Over whelmed by God's Grace Uncovering the Truth about Adoption


I hope that my poetry and writing will encourage you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Mother of Writing Came to Be

Mother  of Writing

Mother of Writing came to be when I started my business Mother Mugs Baskets and Sewing 4 years ago.  I put together all occasion baskets and I put  my sewing projects in them .  I make bibs and blankets and quilts and PJ's along with shoppping bags as well.

I have always liked writing, During a stressful time in our marriage  12 years ago  I shut down inside.  I  didn't want to talk to anyone and I didn't want to go anywhere.  We were struggling financially and we were not communicating in our marriage.   Writing helped me to open up and let the hurt out and allow Jesus to heal me.

While  staying at  my childhood home I began to writing on mom's life.  I self-published it and I was encouraged by a friend to write about my life and about growing up in a Adoptive Home. Writing has become an outlet for me when I needed to get my emotions out whether they are good emotions and negative emotions.  During this time I have delved into God's word and  God speaks to me and I have grown closer to Jesus.

Writing has helped me heal and has strengthen my relationship with Jesus.

I am currently writing a  second book entitled Straight from My Heart.
I am not in any hurray of publishing my second book as I enjoy writing and need to sell my first book entitled Overwhelmed By God's Grace, Uncovering the Truth about Adoption.


Mother Mugs Baskets @Sewing said...

My Marriage has grown stronger. We will celbrate 23 years of marriage this Christmas

Unknown said...

23 years of marriage is awesome. I will be married 13 this July. It takes a lot of work and communication to make it last, but it's so worth it.

I too use my writing for healing. I don't write because I want to, I write because I have to.

I enjoyed this post and learning how your name came about. Thanks


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