About Me

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Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada
Mother Mugs was established May 2008 Author : Over whelmed by God's Grace Uncovering the Truth about Adoption


I hope that my poetry and writing will encourage you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Heart Changed by God's word

God's word mirrors the condition of our mismatched heart
A Heart marred with sin
That only God can only make clean
When we own up to the condition of our heart
He exchanges our torn broken heart so that our heart is mended and made brand new.
A heart focused on God
Compelling us in our thoughts
To love him, to service him
To find nourishment
Changing us
That our hearts delight is to follow God's path
Seeking his will daily
by watching what we put in our mind
By what we watch on Television
Dwelling on negative thoughts
How we respond to show we love dearly in negative way
A heart attentive on God's word
A heart focused on wanting God's will
and not wanting our own way. Shows our hearts and lives are changed by God.

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