Finally brethren,whatsoever things are true,whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things pure,whatsoever things pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are good of report; if there be any virtue and there be any praise think on these things
Philippians 4:8
I have been doing some thinking about this verse. What comes to mind here is when someone is rude by saying something to us rather than taking their words to heart lets choose to over look what they have said forgive them, lets choose to think lovely thoughts, pure thoughts about the person who has been rude to us. What are they going on that persons life ? I have learned from experience if you harp on what someone has said and think about you have take on their anger. You become distressed and your thoughts towards that person grow.
Get rid of malice and bitterness, clamor and evil speaking against one another. Ephesians 4:31
Don't let it take root.
How do we do not take root. First bless the person who has wrong you, or has been rude to you, Forgive them and then seek to think on the goodness of that person and bless the Lord in Praise, Pray for them as they might have had a bad day.
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