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Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada
Mother Mugs was established May 2008 Author : Over whelmed by God's Grace Uncovering the Truth about Adoption


I hope that my poetry and writing will encourage you.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Importance of Rest

Negative Thinking Pattern

I was  consumed with worry thoughts because the Car was  not starting.
I kept dwelling on these thoughts I became Discouraged.  My body  started to stiffen up as I walked.  I continue dwell on these negative thoughts. Doubts plague my mind  What is I would always have a walking problem. How would I get the car fixed? 

Change my Thinking Pattern  

 Psalm 8:4  Rest gives you energy to get through the day,strong.
The Joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 3:10

My focus has been on myself My thoughts were negative. My thoughts were  focus was on me and not on God.

  I can rely on the Lord for my strength.

 Is. 40:31 They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be wary they shall run and not Faith. 1Peter 1:8 says we have to carry each others borders.

God is Sovereign, God is my strength

 Habakkuk3:19 The sovereign Lord is my strength , he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, and he enables me to go on to the heights.

Dear Father God I come in Jesus name. I confess that I have worried, I have doubted your sovereignty. I have drained my energy by worrying. Forgive for doubt you.
In Jesus name

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