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Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada
Mother Mugs was established May 2008 Author : Over whelmed by God's Grace Uncovering the Truth about Adoption


I hope that my poetry and writing will encourage you.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Straight from my Heart

Today was a very delightful day.

My husband and I went to Simcoe Ontario.  I would be remiss if I didn't include that Pedro our doggy went with us.

 Simcoe Ontario is only a hour and a half from Kitchener Ontario.  We stayed over night. This morning Pedro unzippered his kennel and announce woof at 4:30 that he had sprung out of his bed.  So we reassaured him and he went out.
After a few cuddled he went back to bed.  I had  a great night sleep.  I also am on meds for a bad tooth.

This morning I went to a conference where Sharon Jaynes was speaking.  Wow what a day it was. The theme was How to be Spiritually Beautiful.  The music was awesome and the Presence of the Holy Spirit was felt around me and in me personally.

As some of you know I struggled with a lot of back pain and my knees give out. I was questioning and wondering whether my legs would keep me up.
I don't normally go solo on my own to a Retreat.  I am not able to sit or stand for any length of time.  I don't like going on my own without sometime for support if I lose my balance. 

Last week in the devotions from Trusting God I read about speaking to our mountains and telling them how Big God is !  So I said God my mountain is my walking and being sensitive to weather changes.  I wondered about going to where I have never been before. 

For me I need to know about the seats, the steps and where the washrooms are.

Today was different for me. I came into the church without my cane.  I walked in confidently. I sat down and introduced myself to others around me.

What was the difference. My husband and  I prayed for the day and that Lord would help me to be confident . I made up my mind that I belonged at the conference  as I was reminded by God that I was a child of the King of Kings. I also decided to go and trust the Lord.  This was a stretch for me as yesterday my legs were weak off and on all day!

Today I learned once more about letting people off the hook.  I had to free myself.  I wrote down names and chose to forgive those people.  I learned about keeping my thoughts captive and speaking the Truth out to the Adversary.

Friends God helped me. I listened to the truth of Whose I am in Christ.  I listened and trusted God !  God is trustworthy. God did what he promised to me. He would never leave me or forsake me.

Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct his paths!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

How wonderful! Thanks for sharing this!


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